A word from the President

Jacques POMIES
President of France Prune
In union there is strength!
This means uniting in the face of volatile global markets, joining forces in order to succeed, and pooling resources to invest in marketing and innovation…
These are the challenges facing the France Prune cooperative, whose role is to provide added value to, and sell their members’ products.
Thanks to developments at their various entities, the group is presently diversifying to increase their presence on the dried fruit market.
Cooperative members, and employees, proud of their terroir and their orchards, work together according to very high standards.
Thanks to their commitment and energy, the Maître Prunille brand is the leading European producer of Agen prunes and dried fruits.
Our sole ambition is to keep you satisfied !
Our history

Creation of the SICAPRA (Société d’Intérêt Collectif Agricole du Pruneau d’Agen) and the establishment of
the France Prune Union of Cooperatives. France Prune is founded to develop the production and consumption of Agen prunes, one of the jewels of fine foods from Southwest France.
Our history

France Prune grows and begins to sell their products to large supermarket chains.
This marks the beginning of diversification in prune products thanks to the development of industrial sites.
In the late 1970s, the cooperative begins exporting, to other European countries as well as outside the EU.
Our history

New products (dried fruits) introduced with the acquisition of Ballester.
Our history

The Maître Prunille brand is created, represented by an emblematic image of man in a hat.
This launch is accompanied by an advertising campaign on French television: Maître Prunille, le pruneau, c’est lui (“Maître Prunille are the prunes for me!”)
The first Maître Prunille boutique opens.
Our history

Launch of the “Les Moelleux” range. Maître Prunille created these rehydrated fruits, half way between fresh fruit and dried fruit, with a texture that melts-in-the-mouth much appreciated by consumers.
Our history

Launch of a segmented Maître Prunille product range based on 5 different themes to help consumers choose products:
pleasure (delicious, fruity snacks), cooking (as a recipe ingredient), festive occasions (with the aperitif, etc.), organic foods (for consumers who wish to be environmentally responsible), and fitness (very healthy snacks).
Our history

Commitment to environmental protection as evidenced by numerous measures taken at various production sites.
Casseneuil (47): The firm builds a sewage treatment plant as well as a system for recovering biogas produced during methanisation. The site is also equipped with a water purification station.
St Quentin du Dropt (47): installation of photovoltaic panels to produce electricity. This is accompanied by an energy-reduction and waste recycling policy.
The group’s range of brands expands with the addition of EAT ME and RIGOPOP. EAT ME features delicious, healthy fruit snacks. RIGOPOP comprises a series of products revolving around popcorn.
Acquisition of Bargues Agro Industries. Located in the Quercy-Périgord region, the site has processed products such as walnuts, cocoa, nougat, coffee, sugared almonds, and dried fruit since 1986. Bargues provides the group with a more diversified product range, as well as new industrial capacities (chopping, centrifuging, caramelisation, etc.), and new industrial markets.
Acquisition of Saisof. Saisof has sold dried fruits and vegetables, as well as olives and ethnic foods, since 1920, and has two points of sale at Rungis International Market near Paris. This acquisition ensures the group of new sales outlets with wholesalers and greengrocers, thanks in large part to their Bédouine brand.
Acquisition of the Agricondiments group and Arbona et Compagnie. Agricondiments and its subsidiaries are specialised in bulbs and condiments, as well as dried fruits and vegetables. Arbona et Compagnie is specialised in packaging dates and dried fruits.
“Maître Prunille celebrates its 30th birthday. This coincided with a complete makeover of the graphic charter: logo and packaging.
The Maître Prunille brand is attached to strong values based on a love of good taste, authenticity, and conviviality.”
Our history

The group’s range of brands expands with the addition of the EAT ME and RIGOPOP ranges. EAT ME features delicious, healthy fruit snacks. RIGOPOP comprises a series of products revolving around popcorn.
Our history

Acquisition of Bargues Agro Industries. Located in the Quercy-Périgord region, the site has processed products such as walnuts, cocoa, nougat, coffee, sugared almonds, and dried fruit since 1986.
Bargues provides the group with a more diversified product range, as well as new industrial capacities (chopping, centrifuging, caramelisation, etc.), and new industrial markets.
Acquisition of Saisof. Saisof has sold dried fruits and vegetables, as well as olives and ethnic foods, since 1920, and has two points of sale at Rungis International Market near Paris.
This acquisition ensures the group of new sales outlets with wholesalers and greengrocers, thanks in large part to their Bédouine brand.
Acquisition of the Agricondiments group and Arbona et Compagnie.
Agricondiments and its subsidiaries are specialised in bulbs and condiments, as well as dried fruits and vegetables.
Arbona et Compagnie is specialised in packaging dates and dried fruits.
Maître Prunille celebrates its 30th birthday. This coincided with a complete makeover of the graphic charter: logo and packaging.
The Maître Prunille brand is attached to strong values based on a love of good taste, authenticity, and conviviality.
Our history

Acquisition of Saisof. Saisof has sold dried fruits and vegetables, as well as olives and ethnic foods, since 1920,
and has two points of sale at Rungis International Market near Paris.
This acquisition ensures the group of new sales outlets with wholesalers and greengrocers, thanks in large part to their Bédouine brand.
Acquisition of the Agricondiments group and Arbona et Compagnie.
Agricondiments and its subsidiaries are specialised in bulbs and condiments, as well as dried fruits and vegetables.
Arbona et Compagnie is specialised in packaging dates and dried fruits.
Maître Prunille celebrates its 30th birthday. This coincided with a complete makeover of the graphic charter: logo and packaging.
The Maître Prunille brand is attached to strong values based on a love of good taste, authenticity, and conviviality.
Our history

Acquisition of the Agricondiments group and Arbona et Compagnie.
Agricondiments and its subsidiaries are specialised in bulbs and condiments, as well as dried fruits and vegetables.
Arbona et Compagnie is specialised in packaging dates and dried fruits.
Our history

Maître Prunille celebrates its 30th birthday. This coincided with a complete makeover of the graphic charter: logo and packaging.
The Maître Prunille brand is attached to strong values based on a love of good taste, authenticity, and conviviality.
An emphasis on pleasure.
Doing all that can be done every day to improve products and service in terms of balance, taste, and user-friendliness.
Performance & quality
Totally mastery of every stage of production, from the field or orchard to the consumer.
Environmental commitment
Efforts in terms of managing water use, reducing energy consumption, recycling waste, and installing photovoltaic panels.
Promoting the pleasure of eating dried fruit at all times of day
Today, more than ever, a healthy diet is a major concern.
Products that are suitable to consumers who wish to buy environmentally responsible food.
Members of the cooperative have been looking after their orchards in an environmentally-friendly way to make tasty Agen prunes for over 50 years. Everyone involved with processing and packaging them does so according to rigorous, regularly audited methods to select the best quality fruit.
Founded by men and women who place great emphasis on the way food should taste, Maître Prunille is expert at dealing with fruit in all forms, always in keeping with consumer trends.
This strong tradition enables us to confidently cope with the present while keeping a eye on the future.
Production sites

1 – Casseneuil (47)
Processing of prunes and soft dried fruit. Unique high-tech processes.
2 – Saint Quentin (47)
Processing and packaging of dates Production of popcorn and chouchou (caramelised peanuts).
3 – Vitrolles (13)
Packaging of nuts and seeds, production of dried fruit baskets.
4 – Bargues (46)
“Whole, chopped, and sugar-coated nuts. The Bargues Agro Industries site has processed products such as walnuts, cocoa, nougat, coffee, sugared almonds, and dried fruit since 1986.”
5 – Saisof (94)
Dried fruits, dried vegetables, and olives. Saisof has sold dried fruits and vegetables, as well as olives and ethnic foods, since 1920. They are present at the Rungis International Market near Paris and in the wholesale and greengrocer circuits, especially thanks to their Bédouine brand.
6 – SAS Agricondiments (10)
Fresh condiments, garlic, onion, and shallot. The group consists of 6 dynamic companies, including, Kéofood, involved with dried fruit production.
7 – Arbona et Compagnie (13)
Arbona & Compagnie sell a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, (including dates), at the Marseille wholesale food market.
Our producers
Vergers situés à Coulx (47)
“Contributing considerable dynamism, the new generation is very dedicated because we are all devoted to the cooperative movement”.